
of Rassilon
I'm in the middle of watching The Chase for the first time, and in Episode 3 the Doctor appears to state that he "constructed" the Tardis. (That would certainly tie up with Susan naming it.) Even if this is just a Terry Nationism it doesn't seem to contradict anything else we've seen or heard up to this point. So my question is, when did the idea that the Doctor stole or "borrowed" the Tardis come about?
I think it is The War Games where it’s first stated that the TARDIS was stolen, though The Time Meddler is at least where we find out that the TARDIS is not unique.

I suppose from The Time Meddler we could infer that a TARDIS is akin to a kit car (the Monk shows off about having more advanced components), but the more logical assumption would be that a TARDIS is a standard vehicle of the Doctor’s people.

Up to The Chase though and bets are off. It’s explicitly stated up to that point that the TARDIS was somehow a collaborative effort made by Susan and the Doctor, even down to Susan naming it.

I love those sketchy early years.
Well, you see, as part of normal decommissioning procedures, Time Lord technicians uncreated the old Type 40's interior structure, stripping it down to the barest central components before removing and archiving the space-time element, rendering the capsule inert.

The Doctor, however, had managed to acquire a space-time element - it was given to him by a rather stern Time Lady who insisted on remaining anonymous. "I was never here," she said, peering at him through yellow glasses with intense eyes the same brown as his own. "You found it in the trash."

The Doctor, naturally, was unaware, as he approached the old capsule that the component he was given was in fact the space-time element taken from this very TARDIS, procured from the archives far in the future by that mysterious anonymous Time Lady, through a series of adventures that it shall be another writer's privilege to tell.

He had no way of knowing that it was that same TARDIS with that same space-time element that that Time Lady and her various successor incarnations had used in a series of missions while pressed into service for a covert, intergalactic, multispecies cabal known as "Division".

In their flight from Gallifrey, the Doctor and Susan would have to work hard to build out that TARDIS' interior structure, replacing various rooms and equipment deleted by the technicians: living quarters, laboratories, the space-time visualizer, the food machine, the electric kettle.

Somewhere along the way, the Chameleon Circuit tapped into the last recorded appearance of the capsule, and gently reworked the metamorphic shell into the semblance of a very particular type of blue box specific to a tiny portion of place and period on a distant, unremarkable little world.
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I'm in the middle of watching The Chase for the first time, and in Episode 3 the Doctor appears to state that he "constructed" the Tardis. (That would certainly tie up with Susan naming it.) Even if this is just a Terry Nationism it doesn't seem to contradict anything else we've seen or heard up to this point. So my question is, when did the idea that the Doctor stole or "borrowed" the Tardis come about?

IAN: What's this, Doctor?
DOCTOR: That's my Time Path Detector. It's been in the ship ever since I constructed it. But do you know, I don't remember it registering before?

He might be saying he constructed the Time Path Detector.